Our School

Children join Casa Bambini from 12 months old.  The children go for a walk most mornings around the grounds or to see the cows in Yattendon.  They enjoy a morning snack and home cooked lunch prepared by our school chef.  The children have a sleep after lunch if they are staying for a full day, in our beautiful coracles.  All nappies are provided.  We never underestimate the trust you place in us to look after your child so communication between the school and home is vital to make sure we provide the very best environment and care for them.

The move to The Little House from Casa Bambini happens seamlessly as the rooms are adjacent.

Your child will have an assigned key worker to introduce them to the Montessori ethos and materials alongside the sensory activities that are so important at this stage.

Our approach in The Little House is to build confidence and aid independence through positive language and reinforcement.  They benefit from indoor/outdoor school to allow for every child to find activities they can engage in.

The children enjoy a weekly Forest School session as well as music all taught by specialist teachers.  They can also sign up to dance classes.

Nursery 3-4 years old

Children are introduced to the Nursery gradually through a series of visits, where will meet their keyworker who will introduce them to the Nursery environment.
During morning sessions the children are able to choose which area of the classrooms they wish to work in and whatever materials they would like to use within our structured Montessori classroom. As each activity is introduced the children build up a bank of knowledge across all areas of learning. Children tend to learn through their own interests so through teacher observation and assessment, activities can then be extended to ensure that sensitive periods for learning are fully stimulated.

We encourage independence through learning to change into indoor shoes, using the “Montessori flip” to put on a coat, pushing a chair under the table and putting activities and mats away after using them. Each child will have a turn as a “helper” assisting in snack preparation, taking position at the head of the line and running errands.

Weekly Forest School and music sessions are included in the curriculum alongside either French or Spanish.

Enrichment activities may include cookery, gardening, yoga, rugbytots, ballet, tennis, swimming, drama, Forest school and PE.